The need for Climatic Tests in the Climatic Wind Tunnel Vienna has been growing over the recent years. The safeguard of quality, safety and comfort for passengers in public transport comes more and more into spotlight. Workarounds and related increased space requirements for such tests are constantly growing as well. Preparation and postprocessings, measurement setups, modifications and temporary storage of testobjects for following tests can not always be performed outside the facility building. Hence, an additional preparation hall is needed.
For this reason and with the financial support of the facility owner RTR (Rail Test Research GmbH), a third preparation hall is added. This building extenstion is going to meet the increased space needs also referring to the limited office space. Also the space designated for office and meeting activities will be enlarged in the second floor above the newly built preparation hall. On the ground floor the entrance area and the control area will be modernised to reflect the current way of working. Our customer shall easier get the possibility to follow the testprocedures and be involved into the whole coordination process during tests if requested.
Construction works have been performed by the company Held & Francke since September 2020. Commissioned planning office is Schwarhofer Planung und Bau GmbH. Finish and final opening is planned for autumn 2021. We will be happy to Welcome you in the new customer and preparation area.
Some visualisations give a foretaste of the modern extension to come: picture gallery building extension