Urban and Suburban Rail Vehicles - New Challenges for Climatic Testing 31.05.-01.06.2012
Microclimatic requirements for railway rolling stock in Russia
Alexander Leksin, VNIIZhG (Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene)
Climate and operational simulation of a typical daily course for optimising regulation, thermal comfort and energy consumption
Ralph Hofer, SBB
Specific challenges for HVAC system design and practical climatic testing of the new DT5
Thomas Pahl, Hamburger Hochbahn, Torsten Howe, Bombardier
Increasing comfort and functional requirements for urban and suburban rail vehicles
Thomas Legler, Stadler
Climatic tests as part of the quality and validation process
Pierre Bruynseels, Alstom
New developments for urban and suburban rail vehicles require new test methods
Gabriel Haller, Rail Tec Arsenal
Severe extensive climatic tests for the new ALP45 locomotive for suburban application in North America
Ulrich Rothe, Bombardier
Climatic tests as an important part of the quality assurance process for the new RegioPanter
Jan Dostàl, Skoda Vagonka
Climatic tests for analysing HVAC energy consumption - results and further steps of the EcoTram project
Gregor Richter, Rail Tec Arsenal
Model predictive control for HVAC in light rail and metro vehicles
Martin Kozek, Vienna University of Technology
Validation of measurement methods and calibration of sensors and devices as a basis for high quality climatic testing
Manfred Kreitmayer, Rail Tec Arsenal
Key aspects for climatic tests in the Desiro Sochi project
Robby Stumpf, Siemens