The project was carried out in the framework of a Public Private Partnership because of the high investment costs of € 65 million and the long refinancing period involved.
This cooperation scheme between the public and private sectors combines the benefits of both sides: the reliability and long-term financing capability of the state and the flexibility of private firms in business management.
The government-owned Railway Infrastructure Financing Company (SCHIG Schieneninfrastrukturfinanzierungs-Gesellschaft m.b.H.) was chosen as the public partner for financing this project. In 1999, the subsidiary company Rail Test & Research GmbH (RTR) was founded and placed in charge of the implementation of the facility. The private partner, RTA Rail Tec Arsenal Fahrzeugversuchsanlage GmbH (RTA), leases the climatic wind tunnel for 35 years and is responsible for the international marketing and efficient management of the facility.
On 1 March 1999 the project agreement between Rail Test & Research GmbH and Rail Tec Arsenal was signed. The shareholder companies have been changed since then. The picture above shows the current involved shareholders.
The Federal Government and the Municipality of Vienna contributed equity capital and long-term loans to the project, but no subsidies were provided.